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David Kronen
February 6, 1942 - June 4, 2022

David Kronen

on June 4, 2022, at the age of 80, David Kronen, owner and founder of Bone Clones. Inc passed away.

From an early age, David sought to determine his destiny independent of his beginnings.

Labeled a troublemaker at school for, among other things coloring tree leaves red, not green (later determined the result of being red-green color-blind), he was at age 16, sent to a boarding school in Connecticut where he met the young girl who would become his life partner. At age 17, he left the east coast, accompanying his future wife Gita and her family to Los Angeles.

He loved California: the climate, palm trees in Hollywood, orange groves in the San Fernando Valley, and the cactus in the dessert.

He landed a stint for an aircraft company as an expediter where he gained an understanding for manufacturing. In his thirties he began exploring his artistic side with oil painting. He produced an impressive body of work in the Abstract Expressionist style. dkronen.com

David developed an affinity for animals and their behavior: parrots, macaws, ravens, a young jaguar and gibbon, snakes, and lizards were in his care at different times.

Having been exposed to the sound of the cello in his home since birth, he became an avid listener of music from the 20s and 30s. He memorized hundreds of songs and liked singing and whistling them. During this time, he taught himself-as in all things-to build, and he constructed his impressive studio.

The start of his fifth decade, he focused on increasing his income, restoring early model Saabs, and converting animal carcasses into skeletal material he then articulated into beautiful Skeletons. He found them structurally significant and aesthetically intriguing. This would be the inspiration for Bone Clones as he entered his sixth decade. Using his curiosity for anatomy and desire to manufacture something in search for income, he began replicating skeletal material with such fidelity that "Only Mother Nature Could Do It Better". With the assistance and response of many, his concept of producing an educational product that would benefit a variety of disciplines took form.

David's enthusiasm, perseverance, and perfection manifested in the Bone Clones product. Educators worldwide the use Bone Clones share the feelings of Prof Jill Shapiro at Columbia University who wrote,

"thank goodness for Bone Clones because I couldn't teach without it, how many teachers around the world think the same thing--thank goodness for David Kronen and his vision. He left mark in this world…on generations of the curious and on many of us personally. I feel so fortunate to have known him".

Everything David pursued was based on inspiration and actualized self-taught activities-in a few words, he was a Renaissance Man.

He will be missed by all that knew him. (Memorial Text, Sabrina Silver)

David (and Bone Clones), have been staunch supporters of the AAPS since he first created the company nearly 30 years ago. David supported our annual auctions with custom contributions, such as the Chicosaurous, he created and donated one year. He supported many of our scholarships and grants with corporate donations. For nearly two decades he arrived at the annual dinner early to help set up the auction specimens and meeting. He supported our annual Tucson Guide to Fossil Dealers and events and was an active Board Member for many years. David served as the AAPS vice-president 2009-2013. I echo Sabrina's words; He will be missed by everyone that knew him. - George F. Winters

Photos taken during David's memorial
click on any image

David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones
David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones
David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones
David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones
David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones David Kronen's Memorial July 15 2022 at Bone Clones

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Last Updated: February 19, 2025
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