AAPS, The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

AAPS, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

Business Office: 96 East 700 South, Logan, UT 84321-5555, Phone: 435-744-3428

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René M. Vandervelde Research Grant

2025 Corporate Sponsor Korite International

Rene Martinus Vandervelde

The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences (AAPS) is pleased to announce the René M. Vandervelde Research Grant. Beginning in 2007, Korite® International is making $1000 available annually to qualified students and researchers working in the marine paleontology, geology, or stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous Pierre and Bearpaw Shales of North America. Through this grant, Korite® International is hoping to encourage scientific research and publications on the fauna and flora of these deposits. Korite® International is the world's foremost collector of ammonites from the Bearpaw Shale of Alberta and markets the beautiful Ammolite gems and jewelry around the world.

All applicants need to send a letter of request, a brief synopsis of planned research goals (no more than two pages), The applications will be reviewed by the AAPS Board of Directors and an official representative from Korite® International before being voted on and approved by the membership. To be considered for this grant, all applications must be received by November 1st. Recipients will be announced at the AAPS annual meeting, held in February.

Starting in 2021, applicants from outside of the United States must have a bank account in their name, that will accept wire transfers from the United States of America. AAPS will no longer mail award payments in the form of a check to other countries.

You must submit the following for your application to be complete.

1. A letter of application outlining your project as noted above, including a summery of what the scholorship is needed for.
2. A letter of recommendation from one or more of your professors or advisors.
3. A current Curriculum Vitae, or Collage Transcript.
4. A current photograph of the Applicant, which can be emailed, but it must be at least 400 pixels X 600 pixels and 72 dpi.

The application must be received by November 1st, to be considered for the following calendar year. Incomplete submissions, not containing the required documentation or submissions recieved after November 1st will be returned to the submitter. You may send your application to: George Winters, Administrative Director, george@stonejungle.com, or mail it to George F. Winters, 96 E 700 S, Logan, UT 84321-5555.


Isabella Kruta2008Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle & University of Burgundy
Kimberly C. Handle2013City University of New York
Joshua Slattery2015University of South Florida
Dr James Witts2018American Museum of Natural History
Dr Neil H. Landman2019American Museum of Natural History
William Whittenberg2022South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Dr. Neil Landman2023American Museum of Natural History
Trevor H Rempert2024Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Joshua S. Slattery2025University of Wyoming

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Supporting Paleontology through ethical Commerce, Education and Cooperation
Last Updated: March 4, 2025
Copyright © 1995-2025 Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences